A Song to Brighten Your Day  

Posted by Matthew in ,

It's Friday and you can taste the weekend on your tongue. It's so damn close as you keep checking the clock in the corner of your computer watching the minutes tick away. Only an hour or so till' you can log the hell out and jump in your car, set your volume to 11 and blast "My Humps"

This Friday was supposed to be a little different for me but plans fall through sometimes so instead of wallowing like a real idiot about my failed plans; I am going to savor this weekend and make damn sure I have fun.

Here are two songs I am digging hard lately! The first is by a dude named Jay Reatard. It's fun, friendly and fuzzed out goodness. The second is the new single by one of my favorite bands PHOENIX!! I love them so hard. It sounds like they are using synths a bit more in this track which is sounding pretty darn sweet to me. The French know their pop and they know their pop well. Download below!

Jay Reatard-No Time

Awesome New Music Tuesday!  

Posted by Matthew in ,

Last night I saw a group perform at the Hotel Cafe right down the street from me. They were called Sonos and they were impressive. I had never heard of them before as I was mainly at the venue to see my buddy Joey Ryan play after them but I was delightfully surprised when I looked up to see a 6 piece acapella group start in on Radiohead's "Everything in it's Right Place". 

UPDATE: I find myself in another stupid ass funk and totally forgot to finish writing my review for Sonos. Long story short....They are awesome and if you get to see them perform: DO IT.

To listen to them go HERE

Strange Days  

Posted by Matthew in ,

I am having a strange day. I feel frustrated. But I did have a great sushi lunch. I got to take the good with the bad I guess right? This song makes me happy for some reason or another. Download it below. It is from the new A.C Newman album which I fully enjoy.

It's like Monday without Most of the Dread  

Posted by Matthew

Yesterday was nice. I had the day off which meant a longer weekend and in turn a shorter work week to come.  I fell asleep on Sunday as the rain started coming down which only made me happier although when it starts to rain really hard the drain pipe outside my room sounds like someone is blasting my window with a garden hose. Luckily I fell asleep before that started happening with a comforting feeling of knowing that I would get to sleep in the next morning.

As you may have already known I am a huge Bon Iver fan. "For Emma, Forever Ago" was by far my favorite album of last year and his new EP "Blood Bank" is also pretty darn amazing ( though still not completely sold on his a cappella crazy auto-tuned track "Woods"). Just when you thought the amazing-ness was over until his new full length comes out he comes back with a new song written for the compilation Dark Was The Night which benefits HIV/AIDS causes. 

The song starts with a bass line reminiscent of his tracks "Team" or the "Creature Fear" at once catchy and head nod inducing. Lyrically he is back to doing what he does best with his talent to create an intimate and familiar setting with the listener, bringing us all into his world. The bass line gives way to choirs of soaring vocals and the sparse down strokes of an acoustic guitar creating an at once mellow but uplifting ending to this great track. He really really loves Wisconsin a whole bunch. Enjoy! Download it below!!

Valentines Day Mix  

Posted by Matthew in ,

It's that time of year again where men scramble for last minute dinner reservations and try to decode what their girlfriends really mean when they say "  Don't get me anything for Valentines Day please". And since I am currently smitten I wanted to make the loviest quasi-cheesiest mix for your listening please. Funnnnn.


Posted by Matthew in ,

While scouring my daily music sites I came across a video called "Half Asleep" by a band called School of Seven Bells. I had heard of them before but never taken a listen till now. It is really pretty stuff. I am a sucker for dream pop; It's soothing, beautiful and uplifting. It's especially perfect for rainy weather, breakups, makeups, getting ready for work in the morning, getting ready for bed at night and when you want to romance those indie girls who wear cool headbands and who may or may not have unsightly tattoos. In the song we hear SSB with their tight and soaring melodies take us through a sort of surreal cab ride through the city. A bonus is that the singers are twin sisters who happen to be unbelievably good looking. We all win! Yeah for the genetic lottery!

Children Love Getting High  

Posted by Matthew in ,

My buddy showed me this video yesterday and it has to be one of the funniest things ever created by humans on Earth. If you thought that feeding your dog beer during BBQ's and watching him stumble around your living room was funny, imagine a small child all doped up and watching him stumble about "mentally".  KIDS LOVE DRUGS. 

Are You Professional!?!???!?!?!  

Posted by Matthew in , ,

So if you haven't heard Christian Bale freaking the fuck out on the set of his latest movie "Terminator Salvation" yet then your life is nearly complete as you thought. I guess the poor DP walked into a shot or something like that and Bale unleashes hells wrath upon this poor man. He then threatens to pull down all this dudes lighting equipment and tells him to SHUT THE FUCK UP because when C. Bale wants to give a verbal beat down it's not done till he says it's done.


My buddies band The Mae Shi took this clip and crafted a pop song based around Bale's verbal ass lashing. It is simple and wonderful. Major props for putting this song together in less than a day as well. As for the fate of Christian Bale... I have no doubt that he will save us from futuristic robots. If he can get this mad at the DP ; how much anger must he have for those stinking robots from the future?! Our future is safe from robots...for now.

Refresh Everything!  

Posted by Matthew in ,

Please peep the work we did with Will Arnett for his Super Bowl Party! He is a hilarious hilarious man.
