A Mid Summer's Update  

Posted by Matthew

It's funny how I just got use to writing "2009" as the year about a week ago and here we are heading towards August. Coincidentally a slew of people in my life have been talking about how time goes by faster as you get older. That sentiment gets thrown around a lot but I just happen to be within ear shot of it a bunch lately. Strange. Maybe I am just more receptive to it than I was before . It definitely feels like the year is gently sliding by. it's not good or bad; it just is I guess.

I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish this year a little after New Years. I wrote it on a post-it and now it is lost among the crap on my desk. Definitely time to do a little room clean-up and scavenge for that thing. It's hard to make sure you are taking the necessary steps towards your goals if you can't find the post-it you wrote them on. I don't think I am doing that well in terms of meeting all the things I wrote down but I can't complain. This year has been good to me. 

I also made a delicious roasted butternut squash soup last week. That's what that picture is. Soup.  Everyone loved it. I want to open up a soup and sandwich stand at the farmer's market across the street from me.

My friend Josh put some tracks together for some work stuff I had and I really dig one of the tracks he gave me called For Withered Friends/ Featuring Michael Johnson by Daedalus. He has good taste. Check the Link below.

MJ Remembered  

Posted by Matthew in

Work has been so crazy lately and I have been away from my beloved blog for too long now. In the time I have been away so many famous people have passed. It was Ed, Farrah, MJ, and even the Oxy Clean guy! I don't want to make the other's deaths seem less important but obviously Michael Jackson the big fish of that group. I can't claim that I was the hugest MJ fan. I never really drew any personal connection to his music but always appreciated the magnitude of his music and craft behind it.

But in the last few days I have started to revisit his music; really give it a listen and brush off that novelty stance I usually take when I hear something like "Thriller" play over a loud speaker.

I found this amazing remix of "Do You Remember the Time" today and had to share it. It put MJ's melody and words against something so laid back and spacial. It let the words breathe, the melodies resonate and let me hear MJ in a fresh way.
